February 9th, 2033
Honourable members, much as there are many here who don’t want to hear it, and have buried their heads in the sand as the honourable speaker Davis Arthur Clarke has done, I am willing to speak the truth about what we have seen evolving over the last decade. Painful as it may be for my esteemed opposition colleagues to admit, there has been a sea change in international relations which has not gone un-noticed by many, despite the efforts of those in Homefront Conservatives to distract and mislead the constituency.
There are none here who can remember a time, when the United States of America haven’t bestrode world affairs and dominated politics from Saudi Arabia to Shanghai. This of course began in 1941, when they were prompted by the Japanese to awake from their slumber, and take active interest in the events they had hitherto merely observed. They became re-forged in the fire of the pacific and emerged a world superpower. From this point they began to implement their homeland security policies in areas distant from their own borders. The exerted their immense power from theatres of operation in Germany, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Haiti. They toppled and created governments and rulers. They spread the ideals of democracy and Christianity across the world.
I’m sure that you, my learned colleagues, are aware of this brief ideal of American history and are non-plussed by my broad reconstruction of events. However, the widely un-reported happening this past week has thrown this history into something of a sepia-filled relief. It seems that the United States’ ambition and reach has, in recent years, exceeded its grasp. The task of pulling the strings has become much more difficult since the turn of the millennium. Indeed even as far back as 2010, there was a positive campaign to remove bulk American forces from foreign lands. For political reasons this was greeted at the time as a benevolent and considered approach to world politics. The decades since have seen this develop, into a steady haemorrhaging of military personnel from Europe and the Middle East back to the USA. Last week, significantly saw the last armed forces recalled by Washington from active duty. It seems now that the call has been given ‘Fall back to the Keep!’.
This should come as little surprise when affairs in the the American heartland are considered. Citizens of this country now live under a perpetual state of what is essentially martial law, an unwelcome necessity in a state plagued by a terrorist jihad. This extreme policing has caused dissent and rebellion in states who are concerned with the traditional rights and freedoms, which are the birthright of the American people. To prevent terrorist cells operating with impunity, ethnic screening has become the de facto rule of border control for those looking to enter the state. Then there is the situation of sharing a two-thousand mile border, with a continent in which democracy has been suspended. South America is now a hereditary dictatorship, ruled by whichever criminal overlord controls the opium industry. This in turn has driven millions northwards, all fleeing the unchecked tyranny of jungle law.
The course of action is correct and the parallels unmistakable. If we look across the water to Northern Ireland, we see a country in the grip of a bloody battle for control of the population. There, heavily armed drug gangs parading under the banner of freedom fighters are waging an illegal war. At home we have seen armed militias being quelled in Liverpool and Newcastle. The electorate is highly charged with suspicion of Homeland Conservative’s latest invasion of personal privacy, and the spate of terror attacks of the past six months have left the beleaguered security services struggling to keep up.
The U.S. had the foresight to develop a programme of sustainable nuclear energy, to allow them to withdraw from the Middle East without compromising the future prosperity of their nation. It is time for this government to stop simply reacting to events and stumbling from crisis to crisis. It is time for this government to commit to a programme which will ensure the sanctity of the United Kingdom. It is surely now time to barricade the barbican. The Tory leadership need to commit fully to the proposed National Nuclear Power Plan, to protect the future of Britain and allow us to bring our troops home where they are needed, instead of squabbling in the Middle East for diminishing oil reserves. We also need to bring our troops home from Northern Ireland, where they are sitting ducks in a war which does not concern them. Let the province eat itself, if it so desires. Britain has done more than could be expected to try and bring peace. America has led the way on the world front for a century, and now this great Christian nation is yet again showing us the way. The message from Washington is clear and it is no longer ‘Love thy neighbour’, but rather ‘Save thine self.’
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